“Zoom” Your Business: How to Automate Your Zoom Life
In the land of the group conference call, the man with the paid Zoom account is king. So why don’t we maximize our Zoom accounts to make the most out of our businesses?
But how can we maximize our Zoom’y experience?
Simple: connect Zoom to Zapier.
Zapier’s Awesome Zoom Integrations
Want to add people to a paid conference call automatically? Simple. Zapier can automatically connect your Paypal account to add people to a Zoom call after you get paid.
Want to automatically share your webinar to your colleague’s emails? Simple. Zapier can send your Zoom recordings to anyone right after the call is done.
Need to automatically upload your Zoom webinars to Youtube? Easy as pie! Zapier + Zoom + Youtube connection for the win!
Zapier is lifechanging, and so is Zoom. To maximize and automate the best of your videoconferencing/webinar life, you need to connect these tools.
In short, if you want to automate your Zoom’y life, get Zapier, and get to Zapping!