Why You Should Build an eCommerce Pet Store

Nick Canfield
3 min readApr 7, 2021

Pets. Pets. Pets. “Hey, have I told you what Mr. Sammy did this morning?” “Did I already tell you about my cat?”

Pets are a HUGE market, and it’s only growing in size. In short, I hope to let you know that now is the time to jump on this eCommerce ship before it gets gobbled up by others.

Why? Just check out the report by Research & Markets.

U.S. retail sales of pet products and services reached $107 billion in 2020, up 9% over 2019, due largely to a COVID-19 driven spike in the pet population.

And another

…the pet market is famously recession-resistant, and even as COVID-19-triggered impacts on American lives and businesses continue to be felt, a number of silver linings have come into focus, representing opportunities for the pet industry broadly and digital pet services and products specifically.

The reasons are simple.

  1. The market is growing, fast.
  2. It’s recession-proof.

US pet ownership spiked during COVID-19, and the need for online pet products and services has grown with it. This new market share is growing at an immense rate, and there are many niche products & services to fulfill these new pet owners’ needs and wishes.

If there were ever a gold rush in eCommerce, it’s eCommerce pet services and products.

I hear there are many pet products in California…

Let’s dive into one SUPER niche market for the new pet owners: custom pet portraits.

Custom Pet Portraits — How Niche Can We Go?

How Niche Can We Go? | Try Custom Pet Portraits

It’s super niche, but here’s the gist of this niche eCommerce space.

People send in a picture of their pet, and these companies make custom-designed portraits of the pets and put them on coffee mugs, portraits, and blankets.

It’s all digital, fast, and high margins. Every Scrooge McDuck wants a piece of this action!

There are already some big players in the Custom Pet Portraits market, but there’s always room for more. I’ve put together the following list of some of the top pet portrait makers in the market.

  1. Crown & Paw
  2. Impersonate Me
  3. Portrait My Pets
  4. Cute Pet Portrait

Looking at the source code of the websites, most are run on Shopify, making the creating and operation of the website easy and cheap (about $70/month when you total it up). These websites probably automate a good portion of the work, so they don’t have to focus on too much manual labor costs.

This niche market, and others, are truly the wild wild west of eCommerce right now. You should take advantage by finding your own niche market in the pet space online, build a Shopify or WooCommerce store, and start building your business.

So what are you waiting for?

If you’re interested in learning eCommerce and capitalizing on this growing trend of pet ownership, then you should definitely look into creating your own eCommerce pet niche website.

Got ideas? Help others and pitch your ideas in the comments section below, and let’s get profitable!



Nick Canfield

Founder of GlobalHola.com Outsourcing | 📈Data geek. 💼Entrepreneur. 🌊🌴Digital Nomad.