My Minimalist Life: 2 Bags

Nick Canfield
4 min readNov 11, 2022
My Minimalist Life: 2 Bags
My Minimalist Life in 2 Bags (sans cute poodle)

My Minimalist Life in 2 Bags

What you see on the bed in the picture above is all I own (minus the super cute poodle). No, I’m not joking. All of my life’s possessions that I use every day (and even some comfort things) are contained in those 2 bags.

  • Backpacker’s Backpack (15Kg)
  • Backpack (11Kg)

I know what you’re thinking. That’s not a lot of stuff! But… compared to 3 years ago when I started freelancing and traveling the world, it is super streamlined and light. I went from 3 bags → 2 bags.

Want to know how I did it? Well… Slowly.

How I Got My Life Into 2 Bags (A Slow Process)

When I first started traveling and freelancing, I had 3 bags:

  • Large Full Rolling Suitcase (20 Kg)
  • Backpacker’s Backpack (15 Kg)
  • Backpack (7 Kg) <- I had a lighter laptop than now

Most people would be aghast at getting their life into 3 bags, but I was extremely happy to do so at the beginning. I was tired of things bringing me down and causing me stress, so I decided to pack up and move to SE Asia as lightly as I could do so.



Nick Canfield

Founder of Outsourcing | | 📈Data geek. 💼Entrepreneur. 🌊🌴Digital Nomad.