Minimalism: A Digital Nomad’s Best Friend

Nick Canfield
6 min readSep 23, 2022
Photo by cottonbro

People love stuff. It’s inevitable. Stuff makes people happy. Stuff stuffs your house. Stuffing stuff in stuff makes stuffy people stuffy.

Stuff is great, except when you’re a digital nomad. Stuff will drag you down. It makes you reconsider your travel plans. Baggage fees. Back pain. Stuff is not a good thing to stuff in your backpacker’s backpack.

So how do we keep our back pain to a minimum and keep some extra money in our pockets? Simple. Become a monk? Donate everything to charity and live in ashrams while you’re traveling?

No need to go to extremes my young padawan! Just adopt the minimalist mindset, and many of your troubles will vanish away for your digital nomad journey.

What is Minimalism?

Minimalism is a mindset and outlook that helps you only keep the physical things that you value. Think of it as the opposite of being a hoarder. The hoarder will keep everything, even things that they don’t value anymore. The minimalist will only keep the physical things they care about and that they get use out of.



Nick Canfield

Founder of Outsourcing | | 📈Data geek. 💼Entrepreneur. 🌊🌴Digital Nomad.